Polish Women
In Poland, the potential of many women is wasted
Dominika Goławska (27), Labor migrant from Poland “I made the conscious choice to leave Poland at a young age. In...
Dominika Goławska (27), Labor migrant from Poland “I made the conscious choice to leave Poland at a young age. In...
Marta Jarosz (43), Psychologist from Poland “I will never forget the date of October 22, 2020. A shock wave passes...
Anna Weil (40), Labor migrant from Poland “If you live in a country yourself, you see less clearly what is...
Martyna Flemming (43), Author and labor migrant from Poland “I have a sister a few years older. The way we...
Dorota Tyniec (65) and Stanisława Kuzio-Podrucka (44), Activists from Poland We have been taking to the streets together for 5...
Ania Liesting (43), Photographer and initiator of the Ode to Women project The women’s strike in my native Poland in...